четвъртък, 30 юли 2009 г.


Importance which we do not see
Mary Menova

“Hurry up! Give me something to write!” Just think for a second. How often do you say these words, and how often do you use paper? Yes, that’s right – we use paper every single day.

Writing letters, reading books, magazines, newspapers, writing homework, even taking exams – I can count millions of ways in which I use paper everyday. We use paper so much that we do not pay attention to the importance of this invention, just taking it for granted.

I have three hobbies – taking photos, writing story tales and reading books. For each one what I need is paper. Consequently, my mother can often hear me say, “God, I don’t know who did, but I love the person who invented paper!” When I’m at home and cannot find anything to write on I just go crazy. And the thing that makes me most angry is seeing somebody squashing or pulling the pages of a book.

Paper is one of the things which we most often use. What would be the world without paper? It would be lost. So next time you want to tear a page from your book, first think twice.

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