четвъртък, 30 юли 2009 г.


Bulgarians know how to enjoy themselves
Mary Menova

“Bulgaria?! It’s so small! Where do you go during the summer? In your country there can’t be anything interesting to do!” That’s the first reaction of my friend Michael when I tell him that I’m staying here for the summer. And I bet that not only Michael thinks it’s boring in my country. But ask Bulgarians – they know what to do when the summer vacation starts.

Here in Bulgaria we have plenty of opportunities for where to spend the vacations – going to the seaside, hiking in the mountains, or just spending some time with our grandparents in some pretty village. No matter where we are, we always find the best time, way and people to have fun.

The teenagers between 14 and 18 mostly choose to go by the Black Sea with their friends or parents. Younger kids go to the villages to visit their relatives.
Bulgaria is a small country, but it gives people much more opportunities for holidays than other bigger countries can. And we, Bulgarians – we are the ones who the best know how to have fun.


My nightmare holiday
Stefi Bozadjieva

„Can you imagine that he is going to work all summer?”That is the first question that comes into your mind when you suddenly find out that your best friend won’t be available at any time during the summer holiday. Later you might not find it so disturbing, as you might appear to be in the same position. Your parents have come up with the statement:”Everyone is working, why don’t you find a job, yourself?”
The truth is that most of the Bulgarian youngsters work during the vacation on part-time job.
However, the biggest nightmare for teenagers is the line: „You grandparents haven’t seen you for ages, why don’t you go and see them for a while?” Then there is a discussion about the period of time they stay with their relatives which almost always turns into whole summer.
Whereas, the biggest nightmare for parents is when their children say:”Can I go to a summer camp?” Most of the times it works and the children have the time of their lives.
Not such a bad holiday, after all.


How young people in Bulgaria spend their summer vacation
Toni Georgieva

Have you ever visited Bulgaria in the summer? In my opinion this is the perfect country for summer vacations. The teenagers here have the opportunity to choose from many options.

You might think that in Bulgaria there is no connection between young and old people as in most other counteries but you are wrong. Here the relationships between the generations are so strong, that the most of the Bulgarian children prefer to spend their summer vacation whith their grandparents in the countryside.

Another part of the children prefer summer camps or sports. For those who choose the summer camps there is a great variety. They can go to the sea or some of the many Bulgarian mountains and landmarks.


The most important invention in my life
Dimitar Kasov

You might think that the bicycle is something unimportant for us, the students, but I think that it is very necessary.

Could you imagine that you should travel from the one end of the city to the other, knowing that you are not allowed to drive a car and the public transport is too crowded? Yet you have the best opportunity to use you bike. Especially for young people as me, the bicycle is something very useful. Using it I combine fitness and relax because it helps me to escape from the daily life. So why to listen music or playing games if I could get my bike and ride it in the park enjoying the peace and quiet. And it also safes my time because moving by it is comparatively fast.

So when we talk about important inventions I find that computer is not the only the best idea. There are a lot more important inventions for students, as bike, for example.


Have you ever...?
Stefi Bozadjieva

Have you ever been in the position of a camera man? In my opinion, it is really important. The camera man must be skilful enough to make the foggy pieces into a vivid memory of what it was 10 or 20 years ago. He has to enable people’s minds to fly away from their everyday life and go back to a past moment-their childhood, wedding, birthday, party or something else-and experience the joy they felt again.

I was in that position once. I felt bored because my friends were having fun and all I did was take photos. However, later they all wanted to have those photos either on a CD or a flash card.

Have you ever imagined being the camera man of a wedding, for example? Some may think it is boring. But can you imagine taking photos when the bride and the groom are saying their vows?

Have you ever thought that the camera might appear to be vital for youngsters so that they show pictures of their youth to friends later in the years? I have.


Importance which we do not see
Mary Menova

“Hurry up! Give me something to write!” Just think for a second. How often do you say these words, and how often do you use paper? Yes, that’s right – we use paper every single day.

Writing letters, reading books, magazines, newspapers, writing homework, even taking exams – I can count millions of ways in which I use paper everyday. We use paper so much that we do not pay attention to the importance of this invention, just taking it for granted.

I have three hobbies – taking photos, writing story tales and reading books. For each one what I need is paper. Consequently, my mother can often hear me say, “God, I don’t know who did, but I love the person who invented paper!” When I’m at home and cannot find anything to write on I just go crazy. And the thing that makes me most angry is seeing somebody squashing or pulling the pages of a book.

Paper is one of the things which we most often use. What would be the world without paper? It would be lost. So next time you want to tear a page from your book, first think twice.

вторник, 21 юли 2009 г.


Vili Pirinska

Alison read the note, smiled, and immediately put on his coat.
There were numbers on the note and she remembered that the previous night she had been really depressed, because of the problems, she had. Her friend trying to make her calm, encouraged her to take part in a lottery. In the morning she felt her heart throbbing; the note did seem to be a ray of hope, so she decided to check the numbers.

When she went out it started to snow. Everything around was white and beautiful. The happiness of Christmas was everywhere – children were playing and shouting. In every moment you could feel harmony and love. But Alison was in a hurry and she didn’t notice that beautiful atmosphere. She was so excited trying to reach the place, holding the note in her left hand, keeping smiling.

When she reached the place, numbers were just announced. Alison immediately understood that she was the winner and happily said: ‘After every storm, if you look hard enough, a rainbow appears.’